Comfort WiFi | How to connect a thermostat to a home router?

  1. You need to press the menu button on the thermostat display,
  2. Find the menu item Applications,
  3. Press the WiFi connection button,
  4. Select the connection type – WPS or Manual:
  • If you selected WPS, you would activate WPS on the router. How to do this can be found in the router manual;
  • If you select Manual, you need to select the required home network and enter the SSID (password of your router).
  1. When you have entered the SSID, confirm with “√”.
  2. The screen will display the status of the wireless network and should show:
  • WIFI: online,
  • Server: online.
  1. The main display of the thermostat must have a bright connection icon.

Connection icon

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